Long Days Longboards present at the Madrid Parachutist

Concept Store, Retail 360º…”El Paracaidista” (Spanish for skydiver) , during its short existance from the opening, has become a space where the shopping experience is the main star. As VOGUE has said in its blog, it is “the new opening everybody in Madrid talks about”.
el-paracaidista-edificioLocated in an old mansion in the street La Palma in the centre of Malasaña neighbourhood, “El Paracaidista” is ready to find selected products for her quality, design, raw material and exclusiveness. Selected brands that share this attractive space where senses such us touch and see are part of the game. It makes us easy to value the product and interact with the brand through its APP
el-paracaidista-long-days-longboardsAs it couldn’t be other way, you can find us there. A selection of Long DaysLongboards, with retro-skate handcrafted productos. As we don’t like the “look but don’t touch me”, we encourage you to try our boards first hand.  Then, if you decide to buy one of them, let “El Paracaidista” be the one landing in your house to bring it to you  interior-paracaidista

So, if you wish to go shopping, to the cinema, and exhibition, a good restaurant, a café or just relax having a cocktail in its amazing terrace, “El Paracaidista” is your best option.


We have a date there!
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